Ready to Adopt?

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What to know before adopting:

Pets are for life. The lifespan of most pups ranging between 13-18 years. It is important to make sure you are committed to your family’s newest addition both financially and emotionally.

Pets require attention. They need care, love, exercise and dedication. They also need to be spayed and neutered, as well as taken into for regular vet visits and shots.

Before adopting, we encourage you to ensure you have researched the needs and behaviors of the breed you are considering for adoption.

Are they prone to anxiety? High energy? Compatible with your lifestyle?

All dogs require a little patience. Puppies take lots of it! If you are considering adopting a puppy, first evaluate if you will have the time, patience and funding to provide the puppy with the attention and love and it deserves before taking the plunge.

Puppies are still learning the ropes, so please consider the costs and efforts of safeguarding your home against the potential destruction of property as your puppy grows and learns.

For middle aged to senior citizen pups, consider whether you are able to handle medical bills, medicine, insurance, and other potential costs.

Regardless of age, all pets need and deserve care, love, exercise and dedication.

Schedule of Costs

Spay/Neuter- $70



Total Fees-$125

(rates are subject to change)

***Each dog/cat adopted from the Dyersburg-Dyer County Humane Society must be spayed/neutered prior to being released to the adopter.

Ensure your new pet will be compatible with your family or other household pets. If you would like to have your current pet temp tested with a pup you are considering for foster or adoption, please contact our team to schedule an appointment.